Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) uncovered an IoT botnet operation that 100 times within one month. Analyzing further DCU team able to map 400,000 publicly available IPs and narrowed 90 suspicious IPs. The botnets continue to increase, as the threat actors can abuse millions of devices to carry out malicious activities. Major Malware Attack Out of 90 suspicious IP DCU able to define one IP that associated with the distribution of several malicious activities including malware, phishing emails, ransomware, and DDoS attacks. The issue has been further reported by DCU to Taiwan’s Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau (MJIB), who tracked down the illegal VPN IP quickly and the accounts behind it. Generally, cybercriminals use compromise PCs to launch cyberattacks, but this time an IOT LED light control console is used. MJIB managed to shut down the device quickly. “This case marks a milestone. That’s because we were able to take down the IoT device and secure the br...
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