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Showing posts from July 6, 2013

Free Download : CEH [ Certified Ethical Hacker Ebooks ] -

Free Download : CEH [ Certified Ethical Hacker Ebooks ] - -----------------------------------------------   1: Student Introduction 2: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 3: Hacking Laws 4: Footprinting 5: Google Hacking 6: Scanning 7: Enumeration 8: System Hacking 9: Trojans and Backdoors 10: Viruses and Worms 11: Sniffers 12: Social Engineering 13: Phishing 14: Hacking Email Accounts 15: Denial of Service 16: Session Hijacking 17: Hacking Webservers 18: Web Application Vulnerabilities 19: Web based Password Cracking Techniques 20: SQL Injection 21: Hacking Wireless Networks 22: Physical Security 23: Linux Hacking 24: Evading IDS Firewall and Honeypot 25: Buffer Overflows 26: Cryptography 27: Penetration Testing 28: Writing Virus Codes 29: Assembly Language Tutorial 30: Exploit Writing 1 31: Exploit Writing 2  32: Exploit Writing 3 33: Reverse Engineering Techniques 34: MAC OS X Hacking 35: Hacking Routers, Cable Modems and Firewalls 36: Hacking Mobile Phones, PDA and...

How To Encrypt Your Hard Drive

Encrypting Your Hard disk!! Using True Crypt:-  Get it From Here:-       ---------------------------------------------- Creating A Volume Step 1: Download TC and open it. Step 2: Click any "letter" and press create volume. - See more at:  Creating A Volume Step 1: Download TC and open it. Step 2: Click any "letter" and press create volume. -  As Shown In Above Image!! Step 3: Now click next 3 times. Step 3: Now click next 3 times. Step 4: Now press select file and save it somewhere hidden, for this tutorial I saved it to my desktop. -  Step 5: Now click next with the settings I have on this picture  Step 6: Here is where you can choose the size of the hidden drive. The bigger the longer it will take to format. - Step 7: Now choose a GOOD password. People can crack it. Use numbers, capital...

How to install Android OS on PC

installing Android On PC. --------------------------------------------- Grab A Copy Of Android From HEre Download Any virtual MAchine!! Vmware,Virtual Box etc!! I'm Gonna Tut On Virtual Box!! The Procedure is same for Others!! First Download the copy ,Get the best one which suits your System! Once you have both files downloaded on your computer, we can start. Open the VirtualBox and choose the name for your virtual machine and the type of the guest operating system you plan to install onto the virtual machine. Choose whichever name of the virtual machine you see fit, but make sure you select Linux under OS Type (under Version choose “Other Linux”) because the Android OS has Linux kernel in it. Next, confirm the recommended base memory size of 256 MB. Now you are going to need to have a new hard disk to be used as the boot hard disk – you can either create a new one or use an existing. We recommend creating a new one. It is done by clicking on “Cr...