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Showing posts from July 28, 2013

Some Facts Of Google!!

S ome Facts Of Google!! ---------------------------------------------  Google is the most popular search engine with more than 87% search market share.  It has a long history with so many interesting facts behind company and its products.  In this post, we are listing 12 less known but interesting facts behind Google.  12 Less Known Facts About Google internet google 7 Special Google Searches You Should Know Less Known Facts About Google Google was initially started as college (Stanford University) project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in January, 1996. Project was a search engine called BackRub.  Initially it was hosted on Standford servers for more than a year. Name “Google” was adopted accidentally. Founders wanted the name “Googol” that means a 1 followed by 100 zeros. But they ended up with the name ‘Google’ because they received a check to ‘Google’ by an investors. Google crawlers daily visit billions of web pages and index pages to return as...

The Origin of Armitage’s Hail Mary Mass Exploitation Feature

The Origin of Armitage’s Hail Mary Mass Exploitation Feature:- ---------------------------------------------- Several times now, an author has introduced Armitage, and the main value add to the hacking process that they emphasize is the “devastating” Hail Mary attack. I’m most proud of Armitage’s red team collaboration capability–it’s why I built the tool in the first place. The Hail Mary attack? Meh. That said, I’d like to share with you how the Hail Mary attack came to be. I released Armitage in late November 2010. In a December 2010 PaulDotCom episode , Larry reviewed Armitage. I’m a PaulDotCom fan and so I was very excited to watch this. He tried out an Armitage menu that launched the now defunct db_autopwn and a lot of the conversation in that review centered around the poor behavior of that particular feature. For those that don’t remember, db_autopwn is a former Metasploit Framework feature to automatically launch exploits against everything i...


Hacking involves managing a lot of contextual factors at one time. Most times, the default situation works and a tool will perform beautifully for you. Sometimes though, there are things you have to check on and work around. That’s what this blog post is. I’d like to give you a list of contextual factors you should know about your Meterpreter session with pointers on how to manipulate these factors. This information will help you think on your feet and modify your situation so that you can get what you want out of your post-exploitation agent. Which process do I live in? Let’s start with the first contextual factor: your process. After exploitation, Meterpreter lives in the process you took control of. This process is associated with a user, it may or may not have a subset of the active users privileges, and depending on which process it is–the process could go away.. in any moment. To learn which process your Meterpreter session lives in, use the getpid command. ...