Cybercriminals continue to use the Coronavirus outbreak to launch various attacks such as malware, phishing, fraud, and disinformation campaigns.
In the current situation, most of the organization has been closed and the employees are provided with options to work from home. So the RDP and the video communication platforms usage will be high.
Attacks Targeting Zoom
Recently multiple vulnerabilities detected with Zoom client that allows attackers to steal the Windows password and to escalate privileges with macOS.
Researchers from IntSights discovered a shared database containing more than 2300 usernames and passwords to Zoom accounts.

The database includes details of Zoom accounts such as email and password, others included meeting IDs, names and host keys.
Along with Zoom credentials the database also includes data of “personal accounts, many corporate accounts were belonging to banks, consultancy companies, educational facilities, healthcare providers, and software vendors, amongst others.”

Also, several posts spotted asking for details on how to gain access into Zoom conferences, some threats focused on Zoom checkers and credential stuffing.
One user suggested a specific configuration of OpenBullet, the OpenBullet is a web testing suite that allows performing various tests on targeted web applications.

He further added that with the configuration users can capture meeting URL, host key, full name, meeting id, and account type.
FBI also warned users to stay awake in the COVID-19 crisis as the video-teleconferencing (VTC) hijacking emerges.
Users are recommended not to make the meetings public or don’t share the meeting links in social media and make sure that your meetings have a password enabled.
Zoom also recently makes a change that it will not display meeting ID on the title toolbar, instead title will be marked as Zoom.
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