Using MSF Console As Email Hacking:- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEP 1 : Click on Backtrack . STEP 2 : GOTO EXPLOITATION TOOLS . STEP 3 : GOTO NETWORK EXPLOITATION TOOLS . STEP 4 : GOTO METAEXPLOIT FRAMEWORK . STEP 5 : OPEN msfconsole . When msfconsole will open now write search collector infront of msf > search collector And press Enter In this step write use auxiliary/gather/search_email_collector as shown above or you can copy the line from above and paste below msf > use auxiliary/gather/search_email_collector In this step write only : show options as shown above . Thenyou have to set domain . To set the domain write : Set domain <domain name > MageNet - sell text ads. For Example: Set domain Now write exploit and press Enter to start the process . Now yo...
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