Google as a Vulnerability Scanner ---------------------------------- Todays Post Gonna Be something Different,we know Nowadays There are Many or we Can say various types Scanners Available but herez new Try out!! DO COMMENT!! Goolag Scan scours the Web for compromised systems and confidential information. But is it legal? Google, as everyone knows, excels at helping users find information scattered across the Web. Leveraging this fact, a hacker group known as cDc, or Cult of the Dead Cow, has created a tool that uses Google to automatically scour the Web for compromised systems and confidential information. A vulnerability scanner is a powerful tool that can be used for both good and evil purposes. The software, which searches and maps applications, computers and networks for existing weaknesses, can be used by an individual or business to spot and fix security holes — or by an attacker to find easy targets. Using Google, and its immense power to drive searches for attack friendl...